Committed to Using Our Energy in the Right Way

Working for a Future of Sustainable Development

In September of 2015, at a historic United Nations Summit, world leaders adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Over the next 15 years, countries around the world will mobilize efforts to end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities, and address climate change1.

This international effort is critically important for the future of our planet. For example, unless climate change is addressed, the global average surface temperature is expected to increase by up to 4.8oC (8.64oF) by the year 2100. If this is allowed to happen, hurricanes and other storms would become stronger, floods and droughts would become more common, and communicable infectious diseases such as malaria will spread2.

It’s not only countries that are working to achieve the SDGs. The United Nations has partnered with organizations ranging from the Cannes Festival of Creativity to the makers of the “Angry Birds” movie, with the intention of spreading the word about sustainable development and achieving specific solutions for the individual goals3. An increasing number of key stakeholders are expressing a preference for partnering with businesses that actively support the SDGs.

This is one reason why a number of large corporations have voluntarily committed to helping achieve the SDGs. Ajinomoto Co., Inc. (“Ajinomoto Co.”) is proud to be one of them. There are several reasons that we have become deeply involved in this endeavor. First of all, we are an international organization with a large footprint, operating in 30 countries, and we are in the business of converting natural resources into food products on a large scale. Therefore, we feel we are in a position to make a tangible, positive difference for the world. And secondly, we simply feel it’s the right thing to do.

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